Your donations make a difference. It is your support that helps us to provide the resources, education, and support to help individuals living with mental illness.

3 Easy ways to donate ...

Online Mail your check to: Peace of Mind Project
c/o St. Pius X Parish
P.O. Box 303
Solon Springs, WI
Call 1-866-30-PEACE, option 6


Other ways to get involved

The high cost of cutting mental health

The costs of cutting state mental health budgets are extraordinarily high. Without treatment, more people will end up hospitalized, in shelters, on the street, in jail or dead.

Download these fact sheets for
more about the consequences of inadequate treatment and the value of investing in treatment that works:

  • Homelessness
  • Criminal Justice
  • Children & Youth
  • Health Care
  • Mental Illness and the Workplace
  • Unemployment

Understanding the impact of stigma on people with mental illness

Many people with serious mental illness are challenged doubly. On one hand, they struggle with the symptoms and disabilities that result from the disease. On the other, they are challenged by the stereotypes and prejudice that result from misconceptions about mental illness. As a result of both, people with mental illness are robbed of the opportunities that define a quality life: good jobs, safe housing, satisfactory health care, and affiliation with a diverse group of people. Although research has gone far to understand the impact of the disease, it has only recently begun to explain stigma in mental illness. Much work yet needs to be done to fully understand the breadth and scope of prejudice against people with mental illness. Fortunately, social psychologists and sociologists have been studying phenomena related to stigma in other minority groups for several decades. In this paper, we integrate research specific to mental illness stigma with the more general body of research on stereotypes and prejudice to provide a brief overview of issues in the area.

Find Your Representative

Contact your Federal Congressional Member

Please contact your Senator or Representative to co-sponsor pending mental health legislation.